ID Watchdog
ID Watchdog Inc. was founded in 2005 with the vision of being the country’s leading identity theft protection services provider. After two years of development in consultation with leaders from law enforcement, judicial representatives, banking, credit, and information privacy, ID Watchdog released its first platform in late 2007. Since that time, ID Watchdog has continued to develop its product offerings maintaining a platform that services individuals, employee benefits and insurance partners, and private healthcare exchanges.
ID Watchdog Plus
ID Watchdog Plus offers advanced identity monitoring, identity theft detection and resolution services. Plus monitors billions of data points in both public and private databases searching for new and updated information associated with your personal, identifiable and financial information. Plus includes monitoring of an employee’s Social Security number, criminal records, address history, TransUnion credit report score, monthly score tracker, and more.
ID Plus Features
How We Protect You
In today’s connected world, online transactions and purchases can put your financial and personal information at risk. But, you can get greater peace of mind with Identity Theft Protection services from ID Watchdog. If your identity is stolen, our certified specialists fully manage your case until it is resolved.
Monthly Monitoring
After your recognized profile has been established, we will comb our billions of data points for your identity information each month. If there are no new or changed data points, we’ll notify you that your records are clean. However, if we find new data points, we will notify you of the changes for you to review. More often than not, the new information will have resulted from a new account you opened. In that case, you can approve the data, and we’ll add it to your identity profile.
In the case that the new data is unfamiliar and suspicious, we ask that you let us know. We will initiate extensive reporting that will tell us more about activities on your records through our ID SnapShot, and then proceed with our resolution services, if necessary, until the problem is resolved.
The ID SnapShot pulls information associated with your identity, including the following:
- Credit Reports
- DMV Driving History
- Motor Vehicle Registration History
- Global Criminal Check
- U.S. Criminal Record Check
- U.S. Wants and Warrants Check
- Sex Offender Registry
- Social Security Number Trace
- Terrorist Watch List
- Bankruptcies, Liens and Judgments
- And much more…
If you require an ID SnapShot, we’ll be compiling a very detailed report with highly-sensitive data, so we’ll just need a few additional components from you to verify our permission to pull these records on your behalf. We’ll work with you to obtain these documents, so that we can efficiently compile and mail your full report to your home.
After providing the ID SnapShot to you and going over any unfamiliar data, we will then decide whether our resolution services are required. Through the ID SnapShot, we will know exactly which entities to contact in order to clear your good name.
Should your ID SnapShot reveal any indication that you have been a victim of identity theft, we will work on your behalf to clear your name. Our resolution experts will negotiate with any applicable institutions, file the necessary paperwork, and follow up to see that your good name is restored. This restoration is provided, free of charge, to ID Watchdog Plus customers who encounter issues while enrolled in the program. ID Watchdog ensures you’ll never have to worry about cleaning up the damage that can come from a breached identity.
This service, which is free of charge to any customers who become victimized during their enrollment in ID Watchdog Plus, will include the work it takes to clear your good name. After obtaining a police report and ID Theft Affidavit as proof that damages have occurred, our Resolution Agents will use limited Power of Attorney to work towards restoring the identity that is rightfully yours. By communicating on your behalf with the agencies that control your records, our experts will do all of the legwork for you.
We will fully manage your case until it is resolved.
You could spend many hours rectifying a case of stolen identity, but with ID Watchdog your identity will be secure again before you know it.
If you need additional support, you can call us with your questions 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at 1.866.513.1518.
True Identity Protection
Identity Monitoring: Scans public records searching for new information associated with your Social Security number.
Advanced Identity Monitoring: Scans National Change of Address (NCOA) database identifying new addresses associated with your personal information.
Alternate Monitoring*: Scans non-credit payday loan databases which provide high-interest, quick cash transactions requiring minimal personal information to obtain. Our expansive fraud detection network includes monitoring of auto pawn, buy-here-pay-here auto dealers, and rent-to-own store transactions. This is the most comprehensive alternative credit monitoring in the identity theft protection industry.
High-Risk Transaction Monitoring: Daily scanning of billions of transactions and data points will provide an early warning alerting customers of high-risk transactions. Detects potential fraud as it is happening so our team can help you stop it in its tracks and prevent damage.
Dark Web Monitoring: Scans social networking sites, hacker forums and underground websites that buy, sell and trade personal information.
Credit Report Monitoring: Monitors credit and rapidly notifies you when changes, such as new accounts, delinquent accounts and other credit-related information is recorded.
Credit Reports and Score: Annual access to your 1-bureau credit report and score.
Credit Score Tracker: Monthly tracker keeps you up-to-date on credit changes so that you stay on top of your TransUnion credit picture. Easily see what various changes alter your score and track your progress over time.
* All ID Watchdog Plus Protection Plans will include a $1 million expense reimbursement insurance to cover those rare expenses during a restoration.
Extended Identity Protection
Lost Wallet Vault and Recovery Assistance: Online vault securely stores credit card, driver license information, and more. Includes cancellation and request for new credit cards in the event your wallet or purse is stolen.
Full-Service Identity Restoration: Dedicated Certified Identity Theft Resolution Specialists (CITRMS) work on your behalf to restore your identity by removing erroneous and fraudulent records that appear in your name. Our concierge-level service keeps costs associated with your identity restoration process low. We have a flawless record in restoring victims’ identities. ID Watchdog plans include $1 million Identity Theft Insurance that helps pay certain out-of-pocket expenses.
NPI Monitoring: Monitors the NPI Database for activity that may indicate potential fraud.
Social Network Alerts: Add alert customizations to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter accounts to stay on top of potential cyberbullying, cyber predators, and reputation damaging items directed at you and your family.
Registered Sex Offender Reporting & Notifications: Run a search for sex offenders in your area and receive alerts when new offenders move into your neighborhood.
Breach Notifications: Email notification of prominent data breaches.
Pre-Paid Legal Services: You and your family will have access to a nationwide network of plan attorneys that have contracted with Legal Club to provide free and discounted legal services. Upon contacting our Member Services Department, you will be referred to a plan attorney based on language, area of law, and location.
For more information go to If you have any questions, please call 1.866.513.1518
Tools and Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the question to view the answer
What is Identity Theft?
Identity theft occurs when somebody uses your personally identifiable information (PII) for his or her own financial gain. In most cases, thieves gain access to your bank account, credit or debit card. However, your mobile, telephone, online, and insurance accounts are also susceptible. Even your tax returns are open for attack. Data breaches, such as those of major retailers and online sites, are a major source of personal information, which is why two-thirds of identity fraud victims were notified about a data breach in 2014. However, since it can take years for identity thieves to piece information together, a data breach in 2012 might not result in identity theft until years later.
Why Choose ID Watchdog Identity Theft Protection?
- 16.7 million consumers were impacted by identity theft or fraud in 2017.
- Over one million children were victims of identity theft in 2017, two-thirds of whom were under 8 years old.
- Florida ranks #1 for highest number of identity theft complaints with Miami-Dade listed in the top 3 counties.
- Almost 40% of Identity theft victims have trouble getting loans or credit cards.
- Criminal identity theft could lead to an arrest warrant being issued in your name.
- Identity theft occurs every two seconds in the U.S.
- Without identity theft protection, children won’t know if their identity has fraudulent activity until they reach the age of 18 and apply for credit.
- Social media users are twice as likely to become a victim of identity theft.
- Smartphone users have a 33% higher risk for identity theft.
What Information is Valuable to Thieves?
Your personally identifiable information is what thieves value the most.
- Your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth are the Holy Grail of identity theft. With these pieces of information, thieves can open new accounts, file tax returns, or get medical care in your name.
- Credit card and debit card information is valuable in the short term because it’s easy to make purchases before anybody notices.
- Bank account information can be used to withdraw money or make purchases.
- Email accounts can be accessed so that thieves can lock you out of your account or redirect emails to gain access to sites with your financial information.
- Online accounts, such as Amazon, subscription websites, and any site where you store payment information, can be used to access not only the account but also others with similar passwords or linked email accounts.
- Mobile phones can be used to access information, make payments, make calls, and even commit crimes.
Who is an eligible dependent under this coverage?
Eligible dependents covered under the this plan include:
- Spouse (until a final decree of divorced has been filed)
- Domestic Partner
- Unmarried natural children, stepchildren, children under your care through court-approved guardianship, and children of a domestic partner through the end of the calendar year in which he/she reaches age 20.
- Children may be covered until the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches age 26 if he/she is a full-time or part-time student who receives more than half of his/her financial support from the eligible employee. Children may also be covered until the end of the calendar year in which he/she reaches age 26, if the child suffers from a mental or physical handicap, is incapable of self-support, and is fully dependent upon the employee for support.
How Thieves Obtain Your Information?
The majority of personally identifiable information is released in corporate data breaches, such as those affecting major retailers (e.g., Michaels, Target, and Nieman-Marcus) and online subscription sites (e.g., Ashley Madison). However, there are other ways for thieves to harvest your information:
- Using malware, such as keylogging programs and other spyware, allows thieves to obtain information stored on a computer, phone, or tablet.
- Offering fake or hacked free WiFi connections allows thieves to redirect your browser from your bank, ecommerce, or subscription site to a data collection site that looks just like your usual landing page but records your account name, password, and PIN.
- Buying used smartphones that haven’t been properly wiped and reset. Recently, a security company bought used smartphones and ran a data recovery app to uncover a wide variety of personal information despite the phones being reported as cleared of all data. Email accounts, personal photos, and logins to websites, including banking sites, were all available.
- Physically stealing credit cards, bank information, identification cards, passports, driver’s licenses, and loyalty cards through pickpocketing, burglary, or mail theft.
- Using RFID readers allows thieves to acquire credit card and passport information without contact.
- Watching people log in or enter credit card information in a public place (often called shoulder surfing).
- Impersonating trusted organizations in emails, SMS, phone calls, or any form of communication is done by thieves in order to get someone to disclose personally identifiable information (often called phishing).
Unfortunately, there are many more ways for thieves to obtain your personal information. The only way to remain truly protected is to enroll in an identity theft protection service, such as ID Watchdog, to monitor your personal information and alert you of any suspicious activity.
ID Watchdog, Inc.
Customer Service:
24 hours / Seven days a week

Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Office of Risk and Benefits Management
1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 335
Miami, Florida 33132
Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
Benefits Inquiry:
FBMC Service Center
Mon - Fri,
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748)
Enrollment Helpline:
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET /
Seven days a week