Legal Insurance Coverage
The ARAG® Legal Insurance Plan has provided comprehensive legal guidance, services and resources and resources to M-DCPS employees and their families for over 25 years. The legal plan includes:
- No waiting periods on ANY coverages (including bankruptcy and divorce). You can use the plan as soon as your coverage begins.
- Broad coverage of life’s everyday legal issues. More coverages for your investment including defense of motions to modify, administrative hearings and IRS audit protection and collection defense.
- Freedom of choice for representation. You can choose ANY attorney you want to work with, in or outside ARAG’s Network. ARAG doesn’t assign attorneys for representation.
- A trusted carrier with national reach. As a leader in legal insurance in the United States for more than 40 years, you have access to ARAG’s nationwide network of more than 13,000 attorneys.
You can use the ARAG Legal Plan as soon as you become a member, NO waiting periods. Benefits include:
In-office Legal Representation
Attorney fees for most covered matters are 100% paid-in-full when you work with your choice of a Network Attorney with NO waiting periods unless otherwise stated. Network Attorneys provide legal representation – including review and document preparation – for covered legal matters including:
To locate a Network Attorney in your area, call the toll-free number, 1.800.360.5567, or visit, enter Access Code: 10287mds, click on the “Attorneys” tab at the top of the page and select “Find an Attorney”. You can also log in as a member for more details.
You can see a Network Attorney for legal representation – including document review and preparation.
You may also select a Non-Network Attorney and the plan will reimburse you according to scheduled limits. The legal services that are available are listed on the chart in this section.
If you need legal representation for a legal situation that’s not covered under the ARAG Legal Plan, you can still save money through the Reduced Fee Benefit. Network Attorneys provide a reduced fee of at least 25 percent off their normal hourly rate for any legal situations that are not covered or excluded.
Telephone Legal Advice and Consultation
Telephone Legal Advice and Consultation
Attorneys can easily handle certain legal matters over the phone. You can consult with a Network Attorney over the phone as often as necessary – for any of the following legal needs, including:
- General Legal Advice and Consultation on virtually any legal matter
- Standard Will Preparation
- Living Will Preparation
- Durable Powers of Attorney Preparation
- Small Claims Assistance
- Follow-up Calls and Letters
- Specific Document Preparation
- Document Review
Identity Theft Services
Identity Theft Services
You have toll-free access to Identity Theft Case Managers who will help you get your life back in order and repair any damage done to your identity. The case managers will:
- Explain what identity theft is and how to prevent it
- Provide resources to minimize and recover from identity theft
- Explain plan coverages that may be relevant to the identity theft, such as Consumer Protection
- Provide Identity Theft Prevention and Victim Action Kits
- Monitor the resolution of the situation
Immigration Assistance
Immigration Assistance
To help with the immigration process, your plan includes:
- Legal advice and consultation
- Immigration processes and guidelines.
- Filing and processing of applications and petitions.
- Laws and regulations governing various types of immigration benefits, including asylum, adjustment of status, business visas and employment authorizations.
- Deportation and removal proceedings.
- Document review of any immigration forms.
- Document preparation of affidavits and powers of attorney.
- Preparation for immigration hearings.
For additional immigration services, Network Attorneys provide a reduced rate of at least 25% off their normal rates for any representation-based immigration services. Network Attorneys will bill the member directly.
Online Legal Tools and Resources
Online Legal Tools and Resources
The ARAG Legal Center provides easy online access to legal tools and resources, including:
- An Education Center™ offering a wide range of tools to educate and empower you to handle your legal issues, including the Law Guide, Guidebooks, LawExpresso® and the Legal Glossary.
- Hundreds of DIY Docs®, when you want the convenience and control of preparing legally valid documents yourself.
- Assessments, calculators, and profiles to learn what legal matters may impact your life.
Financial Education and Counseling Services
Financial Education and Counseling Services – ARAG Exclusive
You have access to professional Financial Counselors and online resources exclusively through your ARAG Legal Plan. Experienced Financial Counselors are available to answer questions and provide guidance on a range of financial topics including:
- General Financial Planning Information and Guidance
- Cash and Debt Management/Budgeting
- Retirement and Investment Planning
- Federal Tax Information and Education
- Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
You also have access to online resources through the ARAG Legal Center that provide:
- Interactive Education Modules
- Life Events Guides and Financial Articles
- Self-Guided Money Management Tool
- Financial Calculators
Tools and Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the question to view the answer
What if I have a legal concern that existed before I became insured under the ARAG Legal Plan?
Coverage for pre-existing matters is included as long as the legal action or charge is led and the attorney is first retained after the effective date of the policy. (Attorneys’ fees are 100 percent paid-in-full for covered matters when a Network Attorney is used.) Coverage is provided for matters in process at the time of termination of employment or plan termination. Coverage is provided anywhere in the United States.
How to Use Legal Benefits
You can use your ARAG Legal Plan as soon as you need to, with NO waiting periods, in the following ways:
- Legal Advice and Consultation: Insured employees can reach a Network Attorney by calling 1.800.360.5567, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., ET.
- Legal Representation Services – Network Attorney: Contact the Network Attorney of your choice and identify yourself as an insured M-DCPS employee and ARAG member. The Network Attorney will file a claim with ARAG to receive payment and, for most covered benefits, attorney fees are 100 percent paid-in-full. You will be responsible for any filing fees, court costs and miscellaneous costs, such as photocopying.
- Legal Representation Services – Non-Network Attorney/Indemnity Coverage: You may choose to use an attorney not in the network and be reimbursed by ARAG up to schedule maximums by submitting a claim form and your attorney’s billing statement directly to ARAG. Claim forms can be obtained by calling the ARAG Customer Care Center at 1.800.360.5567, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., ET or by logging in as a member at and clicking on the “Find an Attorney” tab and the “Non-Network Attorney Claim Form” link.
How to Select ARAG Legal Benefits
You may cover yourself and your family by selecting the ARAG Legal Plan under the Employee-Paid FlexPlan Benefits section of the online enrollment.
How does the legal coverage benefit affect taxes?
According to IRS rules, the Legal Plan is not qualified to be included in the FlexPlan as a tax-free bene t. If you select legal coverage, your premium is deducted on an after-tax basis (POST-TAX).
Who is an eligible dependent covered under this plan?
Eligible dependents covered under the Legal Plan include:
- Spouse (until a final decree of divorced has been filed)
- Domestic Partner
- Unmarried natural children, stepchildren, children under your care through court-approved guardianship, and children of a Domestic Partner through the end of the calendar year in which he/she reaches age 19.
- Children may be covered until the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches age 26 if he/she is a full-time or part-time student who receives more than half of his/her nancial support from the eligible employee. Children may also be covered until the end of the calendar year in which he/she reaches age 26 if the child suffers from a mental or physical handicap, is incapable of self-support, and is fully dependent upon the employee for support.
Which insurance company makes the Legal Insurance Plan available to me?
ARAG Insurance Company underwrites and administers the plan. A.M. Best’s Reports, an organization that compares and rates the financial strength and performance of insurance companies, rates ARAG® Insurance Company “A” (Excellent).
For questions relating to your account, contact a Customer Care Specialist at 1.800.360.5567, Monday – Friday, between 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET.
ARAG® Legal Plan & ARAG SeniorAdvocate® Plan

Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Office of Risk and Benefits Management
1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 335
Miami, Florida 33132
Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
Benefits Inquiry:
FBMC Service Center
Mon - Fri,
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748)
Enrollment Helpline:
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET /
Seven days a week