Choice is good. More choice is even better.
Now Cigna provides access to two telehealth services as part of your medical plan – Amwell and MDLIVE.
Cigna Telehealth Connection lets you get the care you need – including most prescriptions – for a wide range of minor conditions. Now you can connect with a board-certified doctor via video chat or phone, without leaving your home or office. When, where and how it works best for you!
Choose when: Day or night, weekdays, weekends and holidays.
Choose where: Home, work or on the go.
Choose how: Phone or video chat.
Choose who: Amwell or MDLIVE doctors.
Say it’s the middle of the night and your child is sick. Or you’re at work and not feeling well. If you pre-register on both Amwell and MDLIVE, you can speak with a doctor for help with:
sore throat | fever | rash |
headache | cold and flu | acne |
stomachache | allergies | UTIs and more |
The cost savings are clear
Televisits with Amwell and MDLIVE can be a cost-effective alternative to a convenience care clinic or urgent care center, and cost less than going to the emergency room. And the cost of a phone or online visit is the same or less than with your primary care provider. Remember, your telehealth services are only available for minor, non-life threatening conditions. In an emergency, dial 911 or go to the nearest hospital.
Choose with confidence
Amwell and MDLIVE are both quality national telehealth providers, so you can choose your care confidently. When you can’t get to your doctor, Cigna Telehealth Connection is here for you.
Register for one or both today so you’ll be ready to use a telehealth service when and where you need it.**
*The downloading and use of any mobile app is subject to the terms and conditions of the mobile app and the online stores from which it is downloaded. Standard mobile phone carrier and data usage charges apply.
**Availability may vary by location and plan type and is subject to change. See vendor sites for details.
Amwell and MDLIVE are independent companies/entities and are not a liated with Cigna. The services, websites and mobile apps are provided exclusively by Amwell and MDLIVE and not by Cigna. Providers are solely responsible for any treatment provided. Not all providers have video chat capabilities. Video chat is not available in all areas. Amwell/MDLIVE services are separate from your health plan’s provider network. Telehealth services may not be available to all plan types. A Primary Care Provider referral is not required for Amwell/MDLIVE services.
Telehealth options

Amwell for Cigna
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the question to view the answer
What is telehealth?
Telehealth is the delivery of health-related services and information via telecommunications technologies, including telephones, smartphones and personal computers, for virtual consultations. Among the most significant benefits are ease of access, convenience, time savings and competitive cost.
What is Cigna Telehealth Connection?
Cigna Telehealth Connection is our telemedicine program that provides access to certain telehealth services as part of your employer’s medical plan through Cigna. It includes live appointments with board-certified doctors via secure video or phone who are able to diagnose and prescribe, when appropriate. Customers are able to choose the time and day that works best for them with medical telehealth services available 24/7/365.
Is telehealth a safe way to receive health care services?
A consultation with a telehealth doctor will be similar to the care you receive from your physician when you call him or her for medical assistance when you are unable to get to their office.
Does telehealth replace my primary care physician (PCP)?
Telehealth is not intended to replace your PCP. For common or chronic conditions, a virtual consultation can sometimes be a convenient and affordable alternative to a doctor’s office or nonurgent ER visit. Communication with your PCP is important for continuity of care.
Can telehealth handle my emergency situations?
No. Telehealth is designed to handle minor, nonemergency medical issues. You should NOT use telehealth if you are experiencing a medical emergency. If you have a medical emergency, you should dial 911 immediately or visit the nearest hospital.
When should I consider using telehealth?
› When your PCP is not available
› If you’re considering an ER or an urgent care center for a nonemergency medical issue
› To request refills for most prescriptions (when appropriate)*
› When traveling and in need of medical care
› During or after normal business hours, nights, weekends and even holidays
Are there any instances when someone will be denied treatment? How is this handled?
An example would be if the primary medical issue and diagnosis is of high risk, in which case treating through telehealth would be inappropriate. Cigna Telehealth Connection will also refuse treatment to minors when a parent or legal guardian is not present.
Who can use telehealth services?
Employees and covered dependents enrolled in a medical plan through Cigna are eligible to use the program.
How do I access telehealth?
Covered employees and eligible dependents may access telehealth services from either Amwell or MDLIVE.
a. Through the web:
Amwell:** Phone: 855.667.9722
MDLIVE:** Phone: 888.726.3171
b. Download the Amwell for Cigna App and MDLIVE for Cigna App to your smartphone or mobile device.***
c. At
• Log in to
• Select the Cigna Telehealth Connection
• Select either Amwell or MDLIVE
What information do I need to provide to register for telehealth?
› First name
› Last name
› Gender
› Date of birth
› Cigna customer ID
You will be asked to create a user name and password. Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation. Each family member (employee/spouse or minor dependents) must create his or her own account.
Where is telehealth available?
Telehealth is accessible from most locations in the United States with an Internet connection, or a U.S.- based phone number that can receive a call back. See the or sites for specific details.
When is telehealth available?
365 days a year. Use Amwell or MDLIVE anytime you have a nonemergency condition, are unable to see your PCP, or when you simply prefer a convenient, cost-effective alternative to an ER, urgent care center or retail convenience clinic.
Why are some doctors available by “video” while others are available by “phone”?
Doctors have the option to make themselves available by video or by telephone – or both – which can vary depending on the time of day, day of the week or computer access. If they are only available by phone, that will be the only way to connect with that doctor.
How long is each visit?
Standard consultations are approximately 10 minutes. The doctor can extend the visit at no additional charge to the patient. Video consultations are usually 1–2 minutes longer in duration.
Do telehealth doctors speak other languages besides English?
Yes, there are doctors who speak fluent Spanish, and additional languages are offered through a language translation line.
What do I need for telehealth videoconferencing?
To use videoconferencing you need a:
› Mac or PC
› Common web browser (i.e., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Chrome) with a high-speed Internet connection
› Webcam with at least 1.3 megapixels
› Microphone (most webcams already have a microphone built in)
After you set up an account, you will be able to use a simple online simulation to test your con rmation and check if you are ready for a virtual consultation.
What is a secure email message?
Secure email messages are a way for telehealth doctors to communicate with patients. An email message is secure when it is encrypted before it is sent and is stored in a secure manner. Emails between you and a doctor can contain personal health information which means they need to be stored securely, in accordance with HIPAA regulations. Amwell and MDLIVE store your emails securely so you can access them at any time. Although reasonable precautions are taken by Amwell, MDLIVE and Cigna to safeguard your personal information, no method of transmitting or storing data can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, we cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit online or through the web. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with Amwell, MDLIVE or Cigna is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with Amwell, MDLIVE or Cigna has been compromised), please immediately notify the company.
Can my telehealth doctor order laboratory tests?
No, telehealth services are appropriate for minor acute illnesses that are easily diagnosed through symptom-based assessment and do not require laboratory services. Requirements for laboratory services or testing tend to be indicators of a more serious condition that would require the patient to be seen by their PCP.
Cigna Healthcare
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Miami-Dade County Public Schools
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Miami, Florida 33132
Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
Benefits Inquiry:
FBMC Service Center
Mon - Fri,
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748)
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